A Desert
A desert is a hot place where there is no rain. Very few plants can grow. It is so hot that you can't bear to stay out for long or it is so cold you need warm clothes to survive. A place that receives very little rain or snow during the year is called a desert climate. No matter how cold or hot it will always stay dry.
A desert has many hills of dry sand banks and very few rivers or ponds for drinking water. Very few animals live in the desert. One animal that does is a camel. A camel can last for at least three weeks with out water or food.
There are many types of deserts across the world. There are the hot deserts, which are found in Africa, Asia, Australia and North ad South America. There are also Cold deserts these deserts are found in the Antarctica, Asia and South America and places near the Arctic.
The desert is described as a hard place to live because there is no water and hardly any food. The sand storms make it worse by covering people and their cities and towns up and killing the animals because of the extreme conditions.
The desert is a hard place to live because it has hardly any food or water.
Written by Samantha Boyder